Client journeys

The ethics of my profession do not permit me to solicit testimonials or share the kind words of thanks that clients have offered me.  Still, people want to know if therapy works.  You want to know how it will help, what it would look like at the end.

So, I’ve compiled some stories based on past work with clients I have seen.  These narratives do not reflect the treatment of a single individual.  They are composite stories that represent what kind of change can happen in therapy and what the process can look like.

Tom:  Overworked and underappreciated








Tom came in for therapy because he was burned out at work. In eight years, he has been passed over twice for promotions that went to other candidates who had less seniority or experience.  Read more.

Sarah:  Doing it all with a smile










Sarah is the super-mom who has it all together.  She comes in for therapy because she wants some ideas about how she can practice better time management and cope with stress.  Read more.

Lainie:  Lost in a relationship











Lainie entered counseling wanting help for herself and her relationship.  In her first session, she offered a litany of complaints and concerns about herself– too sensitive, low sex drive, overly needy and demanding, and too unsure of herself.  Read more.